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Week 9 DQ_Long term care

Week 9 DQ_Long term care

Q This week, we are going to look at reimbursement issues in long term care. Please select an issue from the readings that interests you and discuss it in more depth. See what current events/news have to do with long term care reimbursement as well.

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One of the recent reimbursement issues, which in the field of long term care should be considered as one of the most crucial is that a large number of crowd have not purchased the long-term care insurance policy in the recent year. According to several veteran industry observers, it is extremely surprising that a large number of people who require the long term facility care do not have the insurance policy. Here it is required mentioning that the long term health care industry is rapidly struggling for overcoming some of the huge consumer concerns such as low perceived values along with lack of quality and most significantly the issue of high premiums.